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Fully Managed MTurk Study

Completely Funded with your CloudResearch Lab Balance, and uses the CloudResearch Requester account

Panel Service

  • MTurk Requester account not required (studies are run using the CloudResearch MTurk Requester account)
  • CloudResearch manages all communication with Workers
  • Payment is made to CloudResearch (and not Amazon MTurk)
  • This is a paid service and is not included in free Academic Pricing

Study Settings

Title of the survey that will be displayed to workers
A description of your survey
The URL of your survey
Query String Parameters
By default, CloudResearch will add the following query string parameters to your URL so you can take advantage of them in your data collection. The parameters are: workerId, assignmentId, and hitId.
  • workerId-The MTurk Worker ID
  • assignmentId-A unique ID that Amazon generates for a worker taking your HIT
  • hitId-The ID of your HIT

For example, if your Survey Link is, we will add the above parameters to the URL, so the final URL might look like You can then take advantage of these parameters by setting up Qualtrics Embedded Data
Selecting this option will not add workerId, assignmentId and hitId to your Study link. This feature is useful if your Survey platform does not support additional query string parameters in the url

Please note that CloudResearch will automatically approve participants based on the completion code that you select below. Your completion code will need to be either a Dynamic Code or a Fixed Code.
Secret Completion Code that workers must enter to complete the HIT. (Alphanumeric characters excluding numbers 1, 0 and letters I, O, l)

Note: Your External Secret Completion Code must be prominently displayed on the last page of your survey and without ANY punctuation before or after it like this:
Secret Completion Code: AJFHBG897
Setting up the dynamic code by definition means each individual worker will get a unique completion code. To do this on Qualtrics:
  1. Create or Edit a Survey
  2. Go to the End of Survey section, located after the final block in the survey, and click the "Survey Termination Options"
  3. In the Survey Termination Section: Click on Custom end of survey message... **This can also be accessed from Survey Flow
  4. Go to Custom End of Survey Message and click new message **In Survey Flow
  5. Enter Secret Key in the Description field. (Next time you can select this message.)
  6. Click the Source button
  7. Paste the following text exactly into the window as shown

    <iframe width='100%' height='200' id="cr_secretcode"></iframe>
        function createIFrame() {
            var ref = encodeURIComponent(;
            var ifrm = document.getElementById("cr_secretcode");
            ifrm.setAttribute("src", "" + ref);

  8. Click Save

Advanced Options

This name is not displayed to Workers
Email addresses to update you on your HIT's launch and completion (up to 5 emails)
Maximum time allowed for a Worker to complete the HIT
(Optional) It is best to include instructions on your survey landing page. Nevertheless, you may include custom instructions to display to workers.

Standard instructions that workers should follow the hyperlink and submit a secret code (if set) are always included and will follow the custom instructions, if specified.
Keywords associated with your HIT

Worker Qualifications

Note Regarding HIT Approval Rate
When you set HIT Approval Rate (e.g. 80-100%) CloudResearch automatically sets Number of HITs Approved to be at least 100 since MTurk assigns an Approval Rate of 100% to Workers who have completed less than 100 HITs (MTurk API Reference).
HIT Approval Rating: 90-1000000%
Worker needs to have completed between 100-1,000,000 HITS
More Details

US Region Targeting will remove all other country and state locations that were selected on the "Worker Requirements" tab
Will prevent multiple responses from the same IP address (more details)
Will prevent multiple responses from the same geolocation
(more details)
Amazon Worker IDs are anonymized and replaced with CloudResearch Worker IDs which can be used on CloudResearch to Include/Exclude Workers etc.
Workers whose IP addresses are not consistent with your country location settings will be blocked from taking your study.

Will not store IP addresses for the study
(will disable Block Duplicate IP Addresses)
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